Check PostEngine for Chrome Version


This page will show you how to check the version of your PostEngine Extension and update if needed.

When Rooof fixes something or adds a new feature to PostEngine, the extension on your computer will need to be updated to the latest version. 

By default, Google Chrome does a good job of updating and checking for updates automatically but you can always check and update if needed using the instructions below.

How to Check PostEngine for Chrome Version

1. Open Google Chrome,  click on the puzzle-piece icon in the upper right corner of the Chrome browser window.

2. Click on the blue, PostEngine icon and then click Settings.

3. In your PostEngine Settings page, click on Maintenance at the very bottom of the page.

4. Here you can check the version number highlighted below.

  1. If the version number is not up to date, please restart your Chrome browser completely. Once you relaunch the browser, the most updated version number should be shown.


There's an issue with the update.

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